So if you've been following me ( all of my five posts, or is it three) you may have noticed that I often just interject "onward". So I thought I might talk a little bit about that little somethin'. I am by nature a creative person, I can't help it. I am also by nature an incredible optimist...something that has gotten me into trouble over the years. It's hard to actually do things when you are busy dreaming about them. I'm not kidding. Really, I've been using my Pollyanna mindset to postpone actually realizing a lot of my dreams. I feel pretty certain that if I can keep my optimism, and general faith in the universe that I will realize my dreams, while simultaneously developing better work habits, and better avoidance of avoidance techniques...ya like that? No really, I am a skilled daydreamer, I can get distracted looking for some one's name ( like the handwriting analyst ), or a blog post I want to reference. Sometimes I'll look at pinterest for inspiration, but you know what? I don't need inspiration, I have trays and trays of beads, and all I have to do( if I don't want to work on one of the ten different projects I have unfinished at any given time) is just put some beads and wire together, and things start to design themselves. I have three small children who seem to need me constantly, and never at the same time. I simply don't have time to dick around...yet I do. Mr. Money Moustache has a blog post where he gives a list of 50 jobs that pay over 50k without a college degree. He received a lot of flack for the list because they were jobs of which some were definitely not mainstream, like for example having a youtube channel. Some of the jobs where also jobs that have traditionally been associated with "starving artists", writer, musician, that sort of thing. In his defense of his list he pointed out that it is the writers, and musicians with the right attitude, that work hard, that are able to make a good living. A large majority of the people who seemed to have issue with the list were talking about how those people got lucky etc. Whereas Mr. Money Moustache pointed out that their "luck" happened because they had the right attitude and worked hard. I've been having some trouble with the working hard part. I know that my family might disagree...but I know that I could be doing more. My greatest dream is to earn enough money that A. we can have, as a family basically anything we want/need ( which doesn't mean millionaire to me, it just means never thinking "can I afford this"? Which is of course relative, but that's another post for another time) and B. Enough money so that my husband can try anything he wants. So that he doesn't have to work for money, he can work for pleasure, or not at all. You see my husband is one of those guys that people just want to kill, due to his ability to master basically any skill, should he decide that's what he wants...any sport, any instrument...yeah, it's irritating, but I've always had this secret daydream of making enough money so he could try any of those little "pipe dreams" like becoming a studio musician, or a pro golfer, or he could take up acting again. We both have theatre degrees. So to that beloved husband has given me the greatest gift, and that is...he sat me down a week ago and told me that I was going to quit my job, and pursue these creative dreams. So I'm now going to put my request out to the universe...o.k. maybe not yet, cuz I just found that brooch that I bought the ink for and I'm just gonna real quick...that should be my middle name...just give me a sec...or I'm just gonna real quick! Oy!
I'm gonna no one is reading...cuz that is what this place is for...for me to just write and write, and not worry about whether or not anyone is reading or caring because this place is for me to develop my now I'm gonna write two letters to the universe. Or perhaps I'll write one letter with two requests...Amanda Hocking did it here and I think we know how it worked out for her...originally my idea was to re post her post, but it's kind of hard to get in touch with her to ask permission. The best I could muster ( and I'm sure I still sounded like a doofus ) was to comment on the post itself and ask her...needless to say I haven't heard back from her...someday I too will be hard to get a hold of...cuz ya' know I'll be travelling the globe and so busy! I'm stalling can you tell?
Here goes...
Dear Universe,
I will be an astoundingly successful author. I will write books that people love and I will get paid handsomely for it. I know this will happen because I know that all I have to do is ask, and of course write the books. I know that this will happen because I will write and write and write like no one is reading until someone is...and then more people will...and then they'll tell two friends ...and they'll tell two friends...and someday some young aspiring author will be reading the earlier posts of my blog and they will come upon this post and not only will they get the shampoo joke, but they'll be inspired by the fact that I believed in myself and I made it. They'll read about how I believe that if anyone else did the thing that you want to do then there's no reason that you can't. That even if no one has done the thing you want to do you can still make it happen if you just believe. The four minute mile was a myth until some guy ( who I won't look up cuz I'll get distracted) decided that he would break it...and now a four minute mile doesn't raise eyebrows. I'll because I will keep writing until I find my voice and I will keep finding ways to express my creativity, and as long as I stay true to myself, and do what I enjoy I will have the success I want. So if Amanda Hocking wrote a book ( I forget which one...and no I won't go look it up, no offense Ms. Hocking, but ya' know I get distracted easily ) in a week of 9-14 hour days ( obviously she has no kids who want yet another slice of cheese) and Stephenie Meyer wrote twilight in 3 months ( she has cheese eaters!) I can write a book too! Hopefully somewhere in the middle...I am going to keep writing and keep writing and keep writing until I figure out how to be amazing at it...and not end a sentence with a preposition.
So "onward" is my way of saying...get back on track...stop dilly dallying and keep moving forward...I'm like a shark baby!
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Thanks for taking the time to's a pretty big deal to me! So have at!