Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Everything starts somewhere!

So that about sums it up! Everything does start somewhere right? Though it seems my life is generally a series of starts that just sort of hang out there like these dangling tendrils in the web of life. I was on one of my favorite blogs yesterday Vintage Revivals  and Mandi had a link to this test ( well actually this is the link to her blogpost with the test, cuz I'm trying to truncate things ) it was very interesting, in that this is I think perhaps my sixth blog. It's my hope to just keep writing...just keep writing. The whole baby steps thing is really true, but it's so easy when you are a dreamer, creative type, to spend more time imagining than doing! I've already spent a good few hours today ruminating over Amanda Hocking's website I found a really great post that she had written in 2009 it was a good post then, but now it is a great post, because she has the success she wanted.  I asked her if I can re-post it here, but I don't know if I'll hear back from her, she's a busy gal.  I'll give it a week or two and if she doesn't get back to me I'll sum it up for you...keep on trucking...don't stop believing...all those great 80's songs...wait was keep on trucking an 80's song?   I think I'll keep making hair decorations and at some point I'll get them photographed, and then I'll list them on my Etsy store ( which, now they don't let you open the store till something is listed), and I'll keep writing my book and raising my beautiful children and thanking God everyday that I met and married the most perfectest guy for me.  At some point this will all make sense and maybe someday somebody will be on my blog looking at old posts to see how it all has been way too long now that I've been avoiding work, I need to go write and make some barrettes and take care of my kids and fold the laundry and feed myself...perhaps a glass of wine?  No it's only 1:42 in the afternoon...Bad day own inability to pursue my interests is creating a very very grumpy gal!  One of those everything is going wrong days and I know why and I can't stop myself from making more of this mess!

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Thanks for taking the time to's a pretty big deal to me! So have at!

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